It’s called pro bono, and the benefits go beyond karma credits.
How many years have you been working for? Times that by 1,880. That’s roughly the number of hours you’ve been learning and developing expertise. That’s a lot of time, and a lot of amassed knowledge. Imagine if you donated some of that knowledge to a cause you care about? The impact you would have is far greater than donating a fiver (although I’m not knocking donating money too, charities need cash to keep doing good things). Donating your expertise is an actual thing, and you don’t have to undergo a lobotomy to achieve it. It’s called pro bono work (sexy title) and is essentially volunteering to do your day job for free, providing your professional skills to organisations or individuals who couldn’t otherwise afford it. You’re lending your skills to a cause you care about. Or as I like to think of it, doing good with your day job.
Donating your expertise is an actual thing, and you don’t have to undergo a lobotomy to achieve it. It’s called pro bono work.
Doesn't matter. Whatever your speciality I guarantee there is a charity out there that could benefit from the skills you've learnt in the corporate sector.
Whether you work in finance or the arts, IT or HR, marketing or operations - you are valuable.
Whatever your area of expertise, and whatever your job title, I promise you have skills that are valuable and worthy of donating. And with 168,000 charities in the UK, ranging from local food banks delivering food in the community to activist groups fighting for climate protection, there’s bound to be a cause in need of skills like yours that captures your heart (Read more about how to find a cause you care about here).
The benefits of pro bono work are far-reaching. Of course, there is the impact you can have on the world; it’s one of the most direct ways to help a worthwhile cause. Volunteering is also proven to boost your mood and feelings of worth. Since 2016 I’ve done pro bono work alongside my full-time job, supporting start-up charities and social enterprises in the educational sector to develop their brand and marketing. I get such a buzz from working with inspiring organisations and seeing the difference my skills can make to their day-to-day operations.
Pro bono work will make you better at your job.
There’s nothing like applying your skills to a different context, or teaching someone else what you know to improve and crystallise your knowledge. Lastly, it will make you like your job more. Sounds silly but that’s what happened to me. Seeing the educational charities I was supporting better communicate their cause to the world was hugely rewarding and made me realise how powerful and impactful marketing can be. My marketing skills, for which I’d always felt a little embarrassed about, were in a small way helping to resolve educational inequalities, and that felt pretty awesome.
Perhaps you’re thinking that if charities just had more money they could hire people with skills like yours. It’s actually a little more complex than that. Perhaps they don’t need the expertise on a permanent basis. Or perhaps they don’t want to divert any more money away from the charitable deeds they do. Pro bono support also brings in valuable outside perspectives to the charity, skills up their own employees and expands their network. It’s also motivating for the organisation, as an experienced professional willing to give their expertise for free can be a welcome reminder that the cause they work for is pretty awesome.
Hopefully you are now a little clearer on what pro bono work actually is, and how it can be rewarding and valuable for you too. It can improve your skills, provide you with an opportunity to give back and deliver a beautiful feel-good glow (I know that sounds corny, but it’s true). If you like the sound of donating your skills to a cause you care about take a look around this website, or come to one of our free meets, and discover how you can boost your career by doing good.
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